Thursday, June 9, 2011


Jerman telah melakukan kaji selidik untuk memutuskan apakah Islam harus diakui sebagai agama rasmi seperti agama Yahudi dan Kristian. Negara Jerman adalah negera majoriti kristian. Baca seterusnya dari TV Press.

Germany conducts poll on Islam
Wed Jun 8, 2011
Germany conducts an online poll to decide whether Islam should be recognized officially.
Germany has conducted a survey to decide whether Islam should be recognized as an official religion like Judaism and Christianity in the country.

The poll is being carried out through an internet website, where the viewers are being asked whether they want Islam to be an official religion in the German constitution, a Press TV correspondent reported on Wednesday.

This is while, the majority of Muslims in the country are uninformed about the survey and Zionist agents are reportedly increasing “NO” votes through abundant visiting of the website and clicking on the “NO” option.

Meanwhile, Muslim societies in Germany have made a plea, calling on Muslims to cast their “YES” votes at and make it possible for Islam to be one of the official religions in Germany

Muslims are the target of frequent attacks in Europe, especially in France, due to the spread of Islamophobia.

A poll conducted by Friedrich Ebert Foundation think tank in October suggested that over 58% of Germans want religious practice for Muslims to be seriously limited in the country.

Another opinion poll sponsored by the European Commission in October 2010 was conducted by Eurobarometer , showing 79 percent of Muslims living in EU countries are suffering from discrimination.


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