Monday, May 28, 2012


Kegilaan terhadap membeli dan menyimpan matawang Iraq oleh rakyat Malaysia adalah tinggi. Ada yang menyimpan sehingga nilai berjuta-juta mata wang Iraq. Adalah diramalkan nilai matawang akan naik melambung apabila  revaluation (RV) di laksanakan sebelum berakhir tahun ini iaitu 2013. Inilah harapan para pelabur melabur dalam matawang (banknotes) antarabangsa terutama dinar Iraq. 

Setelah saya serve internet di dapati bukan revaluation akan berlaku tetapi tindakan pihak Jawatankuasa kewangan negara Iraq telah mengambil kata sepakat bahawa matawangnya akan di lupuskan 3 nilai kosong. Setelah dilupuskan nilai kosongnya, biasa disebut 123,000 IQD adalah bersamaan dengan US$100, maka ianya akan disebut 123 Dinar adalah bersamaan dengan US$100. Jadi tiada ada apa-apa perningkatan nilai matawang Dinar Iraq.

Pembangunan Ekonomi Iraq

Tetapi untuk jangka panjang nilai matawang ini akan naik juga apabila diapungkan. Itupun setelah ekonomi Iraq stabil . Kedudukan simpanan rezabnya telah mencapai US$60 billion akibat dari lebihan pendapatan negara terutamanya peningkatan harga petroleum semasa. Kemajuan dalam bidang industri berasaskan petroleum meningkat sangat ketara mengatasi negara-negara teluk yang lain. Iraq juga telah mula meningkatkan pengeluaran petroleum bagi memenuhi pasaran negara barat yang semakin tertekan ekonominya.

Sumber boleh dibaca dibawah.

Dep Finance Minister: Dropping Zeros Won’t Raise Dinar Value.

Rudaw reports that Kurdish members of the Iraqi Parliament’s Finance Committee have denied that there is currently any proposed law regarding the removal of zeros from the Iraqi banknotes.
Ahmad Faizulla, an MP from the Kurdistan alliance in the Iraqi parliament and member of the finance committee, dismissed claims that their committee has prepared and drafted a law to alter the currency.

The finance committee cannot make such a decision. We can only suggest projects. The drafted projects will be presented to parliament for discussions for voting. This is something that must go through legal channels.

Heitham Jiburry, a member of the finance committee, announced last week that the zeros will be eliminated from Iraqi banknotes next year. “It is expected that the process of printing new currency will start next August,” he said.

Jiburry also remarked, “The process of replacing the old currency to the new one will continue throughout next year. The old currency will completely be gone in the first 6 months of 2014.”
In April, the chief of staff of Iraqi Council of Ministers suspended the process indefinitely.

Fazil Nabi, Iraq’s deputy finance minister, previously confirmed to Rudaw that eliminating zeros from Iraq’s currency will not increase the value of Iraqi dinars. (Government spokesman Dr Ali al-Dabbagh also confirmed to Iraq Business News in September of last year that removal of the zeros was purely cosmetic.)

However, Jiburry said, the process will make the Iraqi dinar more stable and reduce demands for foreign currency among people. Nabi told Rudaw, “Implementing this process is related to the central bank. I always believed that this wouldn’t work at least at this stage.” Economists believe Iraq is not ready to eliminate zeros on its currency, and that for the process to be successful security, political and economic stability is needed.

Posted on 25 May 2012.   
(Source: AKnews)

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