Sunday, March 13, 2011


Lebih dari 10.000 dijangka mati di Miyagi, Jepun
Jumlah korban akibat bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami Jepun kemungkinan melebihi 10,000 di wilayah Miyagi saja, 

Ketua polis wilayah yang menjelaskan kepada wartawan hari ini,Ahad 13.Mac 2011.

The day's most popular stories
Pemandangan di Bandar Iwanuma, Miyagi - pagi Ahad selepas Tsunami. Gambar CNN.

Berita seterusnya,
Naoto Takeuchi, quoted by state broadcaster NHK, said he had "no doubt" of that number of fatalities just in his prefecture -- the region hardest hit by Friday's devastating natural disaster.
The National Police Agency's official death toll as of early Sunday was 688, with 642 missing and 1,570 injured.
But this figure excluded a total of 400-500 bodies found at two locations in northeast Japan, where the wall of water swept ashore. There are also reports of thousands of people who are unaccounted for.
In the small port town of Minamisanriku, which was practically swept away, some 10,000 people were missing, NHK reported earlier.
A family walks past buildings destroyed by a tsunami in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan.


Berita terkini,
Sebuah gunung berapi aktif di barat daya Jepun telah meletup pada hari Ahad 13 Mac 2011 ( selepas sepi selama dua minggu ) mengeluarkan asap , debu dan batu sehingga mencapai empat kilometer ke udara, kata pegawai wilayah tempatan.

Ini membuktikan bahawa teori yang saya perkatakan di awal posting kemarin menjadi kenyataan. Peringkat perihelian bulan yang paling hampir dengan bumi meningkatkan tahap tarikan graviti bulan. Apapun kuasa Allah yang menuntukan. Dia Nya yang lebih mengetahui. Selamatkan hamba-hamba Mu dari bala bencana ini. Ya Allah. 
Laporan seterusnya [terkini  TIME LIVE ]

It was not immediately clear if the eruption was a direct result of the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake that rocked northern areas Friday, unleashing a fierce tsunami and sparking fears that more than 10,000 may have been killed. The 1,421-metre (4,689-feet) Shinmoedake volcano in the Kirishima range saw its first major eruption for 52 years in January. There had not been any major activity at the site since March 1.
Authorities have maintained a volcano warning at a level of three out of five, restricting access to the entire mountain.
In April last year, the eruption of the Eyjafjoell volcano in Iceland dispersed a vast cloud of ash, triggering a huge shutdown of airspace that affected more than 100,000 flights and eight million passengers.

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