Saturday, March 19, 2011


Unfortunately it is times like these that we should remind ourselves of what we have in this life, remind ourselves we should be thankful and not take for granted the things we have in this life because it can be gone in a blink of an eye. Japan has a long and hard road to recovery. So today before you start to complain, or whine about this or that or about anything petty, look no further than your tv screen and the horrific scenes on the news to remind yourself that you have it pretty good.

I apologize and I am embrassed by the stupidity of many of the commenters in Malaysia. Although I see so many who feel the same as I and are saddened greatly. You are strong people, with good spiritual values. Even in the midst of this disaster you act with dignity, kindness and great courage, without theivery, and harm to another.The world should learn by your example, it would be a better place. I will pray for all of the people in Japan to be able to rebuild their lives and their country.

My best friend who study in Japan told me that Japanese are good people, bicycles are left unlocked without fear of theft. If you forget your cellphone and wallet filled with cash on the table at a shop, you knew you could return and find the intact wallet waiting for you. If you got lost, people would go way out of their way to guide you to your destination. If you made a friend they would insist on spending a day with as a tour guide.

New report Japan quake victims top 18K on Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:48PM
The number of people believed to have lost their lives as a result of Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami eight days ago has topped 18,600.

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